Introduction To Java


Java is simply a programming language like any other language. Java is used to create various type of computer application. Java is also a platform for application development.


History Of Java

  • 1990      The engineers of Sun Microsystems  has decided to full fill the need of a software to manipulate consumer electronic devices.
  • 1991      James Gosling and his team of software engineers developed the java (initially it was named as 'Oak' )
  • 1993      The Wold Wide Web applications were in use and the team has planned to develop small program that can be executed through the computers that are connected to Internet
  • 1995       Java language was formally announced .The company like Microsoft and Netscape has announced their support to java
  • 1996-97  Java has become a very popular for OOPs language. Java Development Kit (JDK) version was launched with Application Program Interface(API)
  • 1998       Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.2 launched Sun produce JDK 1.2 Linux
  • 1999-03  JDK version 1.3 released. Java based application servers like BEA, IBM webSphere etc. become popular. Some other java software like J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition), J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition), J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition) released. Java
  • 2004-07   Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5, Sun Java Studio Creator and Net Beans IDE 5.0 etc released


Features of Java Language

The following are some common features of java:
  • Object Oriented
  • Platform
  • Compiler and Interpreted
  • High Performance
  • Small and Simple programming concepts
  • Compiler and Interpreted
  • WORM(Write Once Read Many)


Java: A Compiler and Interpreted Language

Java is programming language which can compile or interpret both. Java compiler translate the source code into byte code instruction. The byte code is further converted in machine code by java interpreter that are directly executed by the computer system which runs the Java program.

Source Code

The program we write in any programing language is source code.



Byte Code

It is highly optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by the Java run-time system known as JVM (Java Virtual Machine)



Unicode is a 2-byte character code set used for internal representation of characters and strings. It uses 16 bits to represent each other.


Java Development Kit(JDK)

JDK contain various tool which help us in writing and running java program.

S. No.

JKD Tool


This is java compiler
It is use to convert  jva code into byte code.
This java interpreter
It is use to run applets and application by reading and interpreting byte code file.
This java debugger
It is use to find the error in the program.
To see java applet
This help in running java applets
Java disassemble
It is use to convert byte code files into a program description
For C header files
This includes header files for use with native function.
For HTML document

It is use to create Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format documentation

Java Virtual Machine(JVM)

JVM is also known as java interpret. It convert the Byte code into machine level language for the execution of program.

Java API(Application Program Interface) : It is library that consist of pre-processed codes(variables, constants and function/method).

JVM and Java API together are treated as Java Working Platform.


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